Thursday Thing-along
and for you super Manilow fans.... here's a little Manilow overload
Why don't you pour yourself a nice cup of coffee, pull up a chair and sit a little while.
and for you super Manilow fans.... here's a little Manilow overload
Posted by
1:28 PM
I have no idea why Stephen is crying in this. I'm the one to the right in the jersey. I have no idea who all the others behind us are or why the one dude is pointing and laughing.
Posted by
1:39 PM
This is one of the few old photos in the ones I have with me now that doesn't have any information written on it or that I don't know much about. I know it's a picture of Mama holding Stephen and I'm standing at her side. The dark blue Ford Galaxie 500 in the background is our car. We appear to be dressed for something like church or some other dressy gathering. I would guess the photo is from around 1968 or 1969.
So we have the start to a great story.... anyone want to fill in the details?
Posted by
11:59 PM
Stephen is ready to go to the prom.
Kidding... My brother Stephen is the Mr. Fix-it of the bunch, especially when it comes to cars. It's a hobby he started when he was young and continues to be able to do today. He's saved me hundreds of dollars over the years on repairs to my truck.
The above picture is from the late 1980s and is of Stephen standing on the road at our parents' driveway. Behind him are his motorcycles. My Monte Carlo, which he was working on at the time, is on ramps in the driveway.
Here's a previous post with a similar picture -- but without Stephen in it.
Posted by
12:30 PM