Thursday Thing-along
You must whip it ...
Here are some shots of a much older Devo in concert in 2006.
Here is the MySpace page for Devo.
Why don't you pour yourself a nice cup of coffee, pull up a chair and sit a little while.
You must whip it ...
Here are some shots of a much older Devo in concert in 2006.
Here is the MySpace page for Devo.
Posted by
4:58 AM
This picture is from nearly 20 years ago when I took a trip with Pops to Houston. This is from the Johnson Space Center and is one of those touristy things to make me look like I was floating in space. I can't remember if Pops did it also. If so, I could not find the picture.
Posted by
4:04 PM
Posted by
3:41 PM
I'm going to play golf later today with my Pops and my youngest brother and a friend of my brother's. Although I grew up on a golf course and have played pretty much my whole life, I have not been able to play much lately. This is probably the first time I've gone out in two years. I had to go buy new shoes, socks, a glove and balls. When I got back home, I pulled my clubs out of the closet and cleaned them up. If I'm going to beat a ball around the course, I'm at least going to look like I know what I'm doing. This will also be the first time Pops has played since he had both of his knees replaced. We figure he's going to be using that excuse all day long. This should make for some good pictures and video.
Posted by
2:24 AM
I used Sunday to go buy two new air conditioners, mow the grass and drink a few Smithwick's Irish Ale. Actually, I had quite a bit more than a few. That's the best part about drinking at home -- you can extend your limit and not worry about driving. My friend Mike came over and helped me polish some of them off. The last time any of you saw Mike was when I helped him move some things into his new home.
Posted by
11:39 PM
Flag-draped coffins carrying U.S. troops are returned to the United States from Iraq and Afghanistan. I made this video last year by using pictures brought into the public realm thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request made by a University of Delaware professor and student. This is a good weekend to re-post the video and remember all the lives lost and being lost in our battles. Although this is about the lives of U.S. troops, multiply that number of dead many times over to get the true cost in lives.
I support the men and women of the armed forces but truly wish there was peace -- as sappy as that may sound.
Posted by
2:56 PM
You've already seen the David Blaine Street Magic 2..... Here's the first one.
Posted by
1:27 PM
Posted by
5:23 AM
I've had a new Blog I Read link up for a few weeks now without introducing you to it. Our Life in Idaho from Kim and Victoria is a great blog to escape to when you just want to get away for a bit. Check out this post with a video of the stream and pond they built in their back yard. Scan through the archives. There are family vacation videos plus some recipe ideas and great wine and food choices.
As always, you can find the link to Kim and Victoria's Our Life in Idaho over to the right under Blogs I Read.
Posted by
12:34 PM
These are pictures of Daddy's daddy -- we called him Papa -- with Russell (from left), Stephen and me a week before Christmas, 1970. Papa, as the writing on the back of the picture says, had brought an old electric train of Daddy's to our house in Grifton, N.C. In these pictures he was putting it together for us and showing us how it worked. I can remember the humming sound and the smell of that track and the trains when we would turn the dial up on the power control.
Papa was our first grandparent to die. I was old enough to remember some things about him clearly, but not old enough to have gotten to know him very well. I do know he had a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer clock and a picture of a topless Marilyn Monroe hanging side-by-side on the wall of a TV repair shop he ran as a side business. I also know he loved golf, put salt in his beer and called Daddy 'Butch' for some reason. He also loved my Mama. Seeing these train pictures reminded me of some train video I shot a few weeks ago. This is of a maintenance crew dumping gravel along the tracks. If you watch it carefully, you can see the gravel spilling out of the railroad car.
Posted by
4:56 AM
While at my brother's house on the Bohemia River, I snapped a few pictures and some video. At top is an osprey flying across the river with a fish he just snagged. At right is a view from the deck at the house looking toward the marina. While having some beers, we also saw quite a bit of other wildlife in his yard. Here's a little video of some squirrels and rabbits that were out and about.
Posted by
2:10 AM
I spotted this American goldfinch on one of the feeders in the back yard after I finished mowing the grass today. I was sitting at the back table with a drink and my camera and I saw it out of the corner of my eye. It's a pretty bird to watch.
Posted by
7:46 PM
I feel awful about killing a bat. I really do care.
Posted by
6:21 AM
Mama (smiling with hands folded in front of her) and her friends wait patiently for the pictures to be taken before cutting into her cake in this picture from days past.This is one of the original birth notices that were sent out by Mammy and Granddaddy when Mama was born. Someone scribbled on it trying to figure out Mama's age, it looks like. And there is also a grocery list in Mammy's handwriting on the back of it.
Posted by
12:10 PM
Just some recent clips about nothing in particular. I sped them up and put them to a song. It's just something to take a break from your day with, if you have two and a half minutes.
Posted by
2:08 PM
Although I doubt you'll be singing along to much of this, I love the way they used home videos from Eminem in this video for Mockingbird....
Posted by
4:35 AM
Russell (from left), Stephen and I are sitting on the steps of the beach cottage as Brandon hugs Mammy and Granddaddy looks on. Daddy's secretary at DuPont owned the cottage. It's located in Emerald Isle, N,C.
Posted by
4:04 AM
I've been working on doing a cartwheel for a while.
Well, I've been saying that I've been working on doing a cartwheel. My niece Emily tried to give me some pointers the other day.
Obviously, I need more practice ........ or less beer.
Posted by
4:03 AM
Our mama is definitely not a mother. She's Mama. She tells us to this day she would never want to be known as 'Mother.' She is Mama or Ma to her sons and Mrs. G or Mama G to our friends. Mother has such a nasty sound to it because you're always waiting for the f-bomb to follow it. So Happy Mama's Day, Mama.
Here's a little video just for this day.
Posted by
7:00 AM
Posted by
5:44 AM
If you've ever seen David Blaine, you'll understand this...
Posted by
1:47 PM
Petey, one of Stephen and Susan's two dogs, passed away yesterday after a long illness. Petey was a great dog and was well loved by Stephen, Susan, Trevor, Emily and their other dog, Chelsea.
Posted by
6:33 AM
We now have these four big flat screens hanging in the middle of our newsroom. They are supposed to be showing our Web site -- for the most part -- to remind us to be vigilant about keeping it updated and fresh. Dave has been working on the system trying to get them to refresh automatically, etc. When he's doing it, he is directly behind me standing on this ladder. I'm glad he's got good balance, although I do wonder if he keeps his stash hidden up there and he's just having a party.
Posted by
3:39 PM
Stephen and I are sitting in tubs filled with water. I love the way I somehow squeezed my ass, feet and hands into that tub. I'm not sure why we were doing that or what the tubs of water were doing there. Seeing the grill in the background, the water may have been for Pops to throw on the grill during one of the flame-ups he's famous for having happen to him when he stepped inside for "just a second."
Posted by
4:13 AM
Around 18,000 people stripped to their naked nakedness and posed in Mexico City's main plaza to be photographed by American artist Spencer Tunick on Sunday. Tunick is known for shooting crowds of nudes. Tunick's previous record of 7,000 nudes was set in Barcelona, Spain, in 2003.
I'm not sure if I could do it. Maybe if I was a bit drunk like this guy ....
Here's how the L.A. Times covered it.
Here's the Web site for Tunick's HBO documentary -- Naked World.
More images from Spencer Tunick shoots.
Not really a Spencer Tunick photo shoot, but this is funny.
Posted by
4:11 AM
This bird was hanging around in a bush in the front yard. Its nest is built in the wisteria at the crook of a downspout and each year it gets rebuilt. There are babies tweeting away in it now. I think it's a female house finch, but I don't know that much about birds. I'll try to get video of the babies soon.
Posted by
1:13 PM
A former co-worker who is now a sports editor at the Baltimore Sun was spotted on TV sitting with his wife behind home plate at a Baltimore Orioles game.
Posted by
2:31 PM
Toby the Jack Russell likes to pretend he's a much bigger dog than he is. He especially likes barking ferociously at other dogs as they pass by the house. He's really just a lovable sweetheart and probably only wants to sniff some dog butt.
Posted by
1:43 PM
WARNING: Adult content and language -- but hey, there's no nudity.
Posted by
5:51 AM
Sorry about this....
Listen twice and you'll find yourself singing it throughout the day.
Posted by
4:40 AM
These pictures are from the same day -- Sept. 10, 1972 -- during a trip to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. The main one at top is of Stephen (top), Russell and me sitting on the base of the Cape Hatteras lighthouse. The lighthouse is part of Cape Hatteras National Seashore. In 1999, the lighthouse was moved 2,870 feet inland to protect it from ongoing beach erosion.
In the picture of us standing by our Ford Country Squire station wagon, we are leaving Hatteras and taking the ferry to Ocracoke Island. I know it sounds strange, but almost 35 years later, I can still remember what the ferry deck felt like beneath my bare feet. Our car with the faux wood trim and luggage carrier on top is like something out of National Lampoon's Vacation.
Posted by
4:00 AM