Fitness challenge
We're starting this fitness thing at work and three guys are going to go up against three of the women in a challenge. I'm one of the guys along with Andre (left) and Leon (right). It's all part of a bigger 12 week program the newspaper's health section is doing as a way to get all our readers thinking about health and fitness. Although it officially starts the first week in January, the six of us in the public challenge -- public because we'll be blogging and writing about our successes and failures along the way -- are getting our fitness assessments done now. We meet with a dietitian and then we get our love handles pinched with some pinch thingy. I can't wait for that. As part of the meeting with the dietitian, we're supposed to give them a written list of what we ate for three days and how much of it. The problem is I work nights and that has really messed up what I eat. Breakfast food is pretty much a non-existent part of my diet anymore. I don't know how to explain that I ate leftover ribs for breakfast and had wings and a beer at four in the morning for dinner.
Anyway, once this starts, I'll put up links to the homepage for this challenge if you want to follow along with us and see how we do. Here's a little intro video I made to put with my first blog post on the site.
Piece of cake...and no not litterally! Just don't eat anything the once could see you, and don't anything that was man made! There ya go..."piece of cake"!
Looking forward to this Jeffrey! And, remember, I'm still here if you ever want to learn that cartwheel!
You can do it bud!!
I notice you have all the office treats mapped out! Better lose it!
Are those 2 twins? Really, are they?
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