Thursday Thing-along
A true sing along ...
Why don't you pour yourself a nice cup of coffee, pull up a chair and sit a little while.
This is my Uncle Tony, Mama's brother. She would want me to say he is her older brother. This is one of his favorite picture-taking poses. Camera came out, middle finger went up. Check out the sideburns.
This photo was probably taken in the late 70s or early 80s at Uncle Tony's house. He and Aunt Barbara still live in Roxboro, N.C., the town he and Mama and Daddy grew up in. He was a teacher and educator for years and years ... and in many ways, still is.
Here are photos in a flickr photo pool with a Roxboro tag.
Posted by
4:16 AM
I mounted my camera to the bikes and a scooter while some of my nieces and a nephew rode around in front of Russell and Wendy's house this weekend. They talked some and sang, unfortunately the wind noise and a rattling sound drowned their voices out. So I just put music over it instead.
At right is a picture of Emily (from left), Trevor and Autumn. The picture was taken through a mailbox. Later in the day I let Emily use one of my cameras for a while. I'll upload some of the pictures and videos she took soon and share those with you.
Posted by
1:54 AM
Posted by
10:05 PM
Red Hot Chili Peppers doing a cover version of "Brandy."
Fun stuff....
Posted by
2:27 AM
I rebuilt my grill today (installed three new stainless steel burners) and these wings were the first thing to get cooked. I think I'll go out tonight and get some ribs to cook tomorrow.
I just got the grill last year and the burners shouldn't have gone bad that fast. Two out of the three of them went bad (split). But I didn't feel like dealing with the almighty warranty wait, so ... Yeah, I'm the kind of customer they must love.
Posted by
10:32 PM
This is a picture of my youngest brother, Brandon, when he worked as a chef at a hotel in Williamsport, Pa. Brandon is the tall skinny one in the middle. He's still tall.
I believe this photo is from the early 1990s. Now he's the chef at Crossfire Cafe in Chestertown, Md.
Posted by
4:31 PM
Another photo of horses near Chesapeake City .... these are in a field partially shrouded with fog after a rain on Tuesday.
Posted by
3:57 AM
While at Russell and Wendy's house on Sunday, Trevor decided it was warm enough to go swimming.
He may have thought so, but the pool water was still pretty chilly. Check out his reaction... and the reaction of my niece Autumn as she cheered him on. It's less than a minute in length if you're strapped for time.
Posted by
11:20 PM
I saw these horses and some of their young on my way back from Russell and Wendy's house Sunday. There are a lot of horse farms around the town. These photos are of horses on Winbak Farm. Click on the photo to go to a page where you can see each photo on its own by clicking on the names.
Posted by
9:03 PM
It's garden tour and car show day in Chesapeake City. From 11 this morning until four in the afternoon, people are free to walk around the gardens and yards of participating homes in town.
There are also antique and classic cars on display. I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to take pictures of them before I leave for work, but maybe I'll do a video drive-by.
UPDATE: [1:17 a.m. 5/18/08] Here's a video drive-by. It's pretty bad -- I wasn't holding the camera very steady and was paying more attention to all the activity around the truck so I didn't hit anyone -- but it gives you an idea of the town.
Posted by
2:09 PM
My effort continues. I was up early enough again to mow the yard before work. I also had a chance to mess around with Toby in the yard some. He wanted me to light a fire in the fire pit -- he's somewhat of a pyro -- but I didn't have time.
I did have time to have coffee, take some pictures, blog and watch news about the earthquake in China and the continuing trouble in Myanmar following the cyclone. I can't even imagine what it must be like in those countries right now.
Posted by
1:12 PM
A little America ... I hope it makes you hum a happy tune.
Posted by
4:07 AM
This picture is from 1968 and was taken at Mammy and Granddaddy's house in Roxboro, N.C. Stephen is wearing his sailor suit -- he was such a little Village People wannabe -- I'm in a striped shirt and possibly a pair of Buster Brown shoes and Mama is wearing her "I just woke up from a nap and my hair is all messed up but I'm still going to smile for the camera" look.
Posted by
1:45 AM
My nephew Trevor just got an electric guitar and is learning how to play it. He's had one lesson so far. While I was up at Mama and Daddy's for Mama's Day, Trevor had set his guitar and amp up in the basement -- right in the midst of Mama's reorganization pile.
Mama keeps threatening just to throw everything away if her sons don't come get it, but that won't happen. She goes down in the basement to start sorting and always ends up looking through everything, reading old cards, remembering what this or that was from, and then saving it all again.
Anyway, back to Trevor and his guitar. So Trevor comes up with the bright idea of pretending to play a song while I make a video of him doing it. Then I'm supposed to become his co-conspirator in fraud by dubbing music over his fake playing of the song. Milli Vanilli ruined the music biz.
So here's Trevor and his new guitar ....
Trevor told me he will have a band and they will be playing songs within two years. He was emphatic about the time. He said he knows the other people he's going to have in his band. They just don't have instruments yet.
Oh to be young again and full of dreams.
DreamsHold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.
– by Langston Hughes
Posted by
2:16 AM
I spent part of the day up at Mama and Daddy's house. Pop cooked steaks on the grill and Mama made potatoes, asparagus, pea salad and a cake. Stephen (one of my brothers) and his two kids were there as well as Wendy (Russell's wife) and their daughter, Autumn. It was a good time.
Mama put on the apron at right for a short while. Pops looked at her and said he liked her sliced tomatoes.
My parents are crazy ... and I like it.
Posted by
2:20 PM
Is anyone else infatuated with the world of ants?
I don't love them in a way that I want them crawling on me or in my house, but I sure like to watch how industrious they are. In the middle of the video, you even see one ant carry out another ant and move him way over to the side. I don't know if the other one was hurt or dying, but it must have been impeding progress on the hole in some way.
Do you remember the fable about the ant and the grasshopper?
If you want to see the long, normal speed version of the ants at work -- and get to hear Dire Straits' "Sultans of Swing" -- just click here.
Posted by
1:18 PM
It's prom time and more limos are around than usual. Living in a town with a couple of destination restaurants in it, limos are not an unusual sight ... But this time of year, things really pick up between the weddings and proms.
For my senior prom, my parents rented my date and me a Buick Electra Park Avenue with a moon roof. We were styling -- despite my pink bow tie and cummerbund. The picture above was taken by her parents when I arrived to pick her up.
The prom was at the Hotel du Pont's Gold Ballroom, a little too fancy for my taste. But I guess it's supposed to be one of those memorable events in life. But to be honest, I don't remember much about the prom itself.
UPDATE: Check out these old prom photos from the St. Pete Times.
Posted by
11:54 AM
I put my camera down on the front porch Sunday and left it on record. Catty-corner from the house is a funeral home with a small parking lot. These two kids were using it to practice skateboarding. This is 25 minutes sped up and edited to just over 3 minutes. It's worth it just to listen to the song.
You know what's really odd ..... Even after watching all the antics and tricks of guys like Tony Hawk and Bam Margera over the past few years, I could still sit here and watch three minutes of these two guys doing basically nothing.
I blame the song for sucking me into the abyss ...
P.S. I don't think they landed a single trick, if that's what they were trying to do with all the board flipping.
Posted by
2:54 AM
Traci Lyn sent me this. I thought it was funny so I share it with you.
Check out Traci Lyn's blog here.
Posted by
1:59 AM
I have been stuck in a major rut for a while, part of which includes staying up until the sun rises and then trying to sleep a few hours before getting up for work. That rut has kept me in not the best of moods. So I've decided to try to break out of that routine and make some changes.
Today, I woke before 9, mowed the grass, trimmed the edges of the flowerbeds and sidewalks and took some pictures. I also drank my coffee, did some e-mailing, watched some CNN and am now leaving a blog post. All before going to work. Life is what you make of it, right?
Anyway ... Here's to one morning down.
Posted by
12:42 PM
Posted by
3:16 AM
When you see a priceless French painting
I see a drunk, naked girl
Posted by
4:05 AM