Sunday, January 28, 2007

Gymnastics ... not my strong suit

Anyone have any tips on an easy way to learn a cartwheel?


Anonymous said...

Oh Jeffrey! You are in luck! You know I've taught gymnastics forver! And, since the crazy lady at Gymnastics Unlimited in Dover fired me for knowing about her psycho ex con boyfriend (now husband), I've been jonesin to teach. Let me know what I can do to help! TLC

Jeffrey said...

A challenge has been issued to me to do a cartwheel. I accepted the challenge but didn't mention I knew a gymnastics instructor ....
I was hoping you'd see the word gymnastics in the title and watch this. I need help.

Anonymous said...

I'll give you private lessons for free! I'll even teach you to stand on your head! It's easy! When should we start!?!? TLC

Anonymous said...

Just a few things to keep in mind while training:

1. Make sure you have the proper space – and wear a helmet:

2. The finish is important – as you could hurt your arm:

3. Clothes – er ... some sort of protection for you, and possibly your audience's eyes as well – may be a good idea:

Good luck!

Jeffrey said...

Thanks for your concern, Koko...

Those YouTube videos are hilarious. I recommend you all go see them. Just copy and paste the links.

Anonymous said...

I'm sending you a video of Jecilyn doing a cartwheel. She's 2. If she can do can you. TLC

Anonymous said...

I hope your not too ssskirt to post your cartwheel practice.....

as long as no blood is should be entertaining....

don't wait till you get it down pat...I want to see the attemps!!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone should submit a cartwheel clip...

Anonymous said...

haul butt up in air.

Video forthcoming.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, that's very good advice. That's exactly it. TLC

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nadia, I mean TLC! Once he masters the cartwheel, then comes the ROUND-OFF!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth...funny,I was going to mention a round off. But, then I thought...BABY STEPS! tlc