Monday, January 29, 2007

Meltdown Monday Week Four

No time to make a video of my weigh-in this morning so I just snapped a picture. As it shows, the meltdown continues this week with a loss of four pounds. That brings the total loss so far to 13. I'm still not exercising as much as I want but have valid excuses this week: interviewing job candidates added hours to my work schedule, it snowed, and it was too effing cold. Maybe that last one is just me whining. Anyway, the downward trend continues. The other three weeks of posts are sort of floating in space at the moment. I'll eventually link back to them so those of you who are new will know what this is about.

Weight 01.01.07: 274 pounds
Weight 01.29.07: 261 pounds


Anonymous said...

Wow. That's so impressive! And it's a healthy slow and steady loss which increases your chances of keeping it off for good. At the rate you're going you will be a healthy weight by Summer.

Anonymous said...

Holy schnikies! That's a big drop for this many weeks in. You're doing great.

Kathleen said...

You are doing awesome. I have been planning an exercise restart and a healthy eating restart when I get to Maryland, so I might just start my own Meltdown Monday, if thats cool with you. I wouldn't want to copy you if you didn't want me to. Let me know! It might be good incentive to lose more weight, and the weight I have put back on since the marathon. WoohoO!

Jeffrey said...

Please do... it will be nice to have some company. I've got a friend who is training for an Ironman competition right now. At one point, he was well over 300 pounds. But he worked out, stayed motivated and started running again and he looks great... you know, for a guy.

Anonymous said... that the 36% coming out!?!? LOL!

Great job! TLC

Jeffrey said...

You had to go there.... Was it the whining part?