Send Laurie Anne all your porn spam
I've been tagged by that troublemaker Laurie Anne over at All Over the Bored to do one of these thing-a-ma-jigs. WTF. I was minding my own business and then BAM .... Anyway, here are the rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Here goes:

2. I quit college for a while: I dropped out the first semester and took some time off before returning. You've heard of the five-year plan. Well, I was basically on an eight-year plan. I graduated high school in 1984 and college in 1992. I hated it when I first got there. I despised living in a dorm with a roommate I didn't know and a bunch of people I didn't want to share a bathroom with.

5. Tanqueray gin and Slim Jims: I once threw up a mixture of the two all over a hotel room in Ocean City, Md., during a journalism conference. Nastiest mess I ever saw and smelled. The worst part ... I was sharing the room ... I really am sorry Mike. Really. I am.

7. I like chick flicks: and have seen Notting Hill at least a dozen times. Whoopsy Daisy.

These are the people I am tagging:
1. Mara at Whole Lots o' Nothin'. Will tequila be mentioned at all?
2. Victoria at Our Life in Idaho. I know these will be interesting facts.
3. Kathleen at Kathleen's Wacky Life. Did she ever have to show her breasts after a hare run?
4. Zoe at Royal Mom. I won't even venture a guess at what her eight interesting facts may be.
5. Traci Lyn at Jecilyn and Treavor's Mom. How many times has she shown her hoo-hahs to those who asked?
6. Lacey at Prattlings about Law School. Has she ever let her dog poop on a sidewalk and left it there?
7. Esteban at Parra Grafs. Who in the hell knows what he may come up with.
and finally
8. Natalie at Bow Wow Meow. Ex-con Martha Stewart is still one of her idols.
Now here's the perfect song after all that:
Jeffrey, several things I need to express.
1. I am so NOT a trouble-maker! I thought you knew me better than that (hee-hee)
2. See, now everyone knows all this other cool (and sick) stuff about you. I thought you were such a nice guy...little did I know.
3. You are damned funny.
4.A TATTOO!?!?!!?!? And piercings?!?!? I'm flabbergasted.
5. I gladly await all the porn spam heading my way.
6. I am sorry. But you are a good sport and I feel so much closer to you now!
Ooh, I can't wait to see Natalie's post!!!!
Copy editor (rim) to city editor: "This is way too long."
City editor: "Give it to me and I'll whack it."
They're talking about a story, but this stuff is said!!!
Mine will definitely not be as interesting as Jeffrey's. I made my list..and there are things that I don't even think I will mention. I'll post in a day or so. Sick with respiratory infection right now.
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