Replacing the porch
Stephen, one of my brothers, came over Saturday morning and started work on replacing the tongue and groove flooring on the front porch of the house.
Stephen puts down flooring for a living -- carpet, wood, vinyl, tile -- but the tongue and groove flooring he does is usually not outdoors. But since my house was built in 1849, there are specific design and building issues that need to be followed .... including the way the front porch flooring was done. Staying with tongue and groove was historically correct for the house.
The previous homeowner had used pine boards and did not prime them .... that's why it cupped and did not last that long. The wood we are using this time is fir and we put primer on all sides. That should make it last a lot longer.

When the porch is completely finished, I'll put up before and after pictures.
now its all messed up...ste dont know what he's doin...
Looks like it's going to be nice! Stephen is a warrior, that's for sure.
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