Monday, April 2, 2007

Meltdown Monday

Better late than never. I usually post Meltdown Monday early in the morning, but things were a bit hectic today. I had a consultation with an oral surgeon this morning and go back one week from today to get three teeth extracted. Here's the original post on that. Anyhow, I lost close to two pounds this week bringing the total to 27 pounds. Still not exercising.

My progress:
Weight 01.01.07: 274 pounds
Weight 04.02.07: 247 pounds


Lacey said...

hmm...think how it would be going if you did exercise! Nice job tho. Is it spring there yet? It snowed here today...sigh

Victoria Williams said...

Nice going!!! I'm trying to lose a few (15-20) pounds myself. It helps to watch you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on losing 10%!! That's when people really start to notice the hard work you've been doing. I'm sorry about the fire at your brother's. Thank God they are all okay.

Brenda Starr said...

HEy, how are you doing it? I need some tips, support...OK, I just want to find out if there's an easy way and when you said "no exercise, I was intrigued."

Jeffrey said...

The no exercise comment was a jab at myself. I'd be losing more if I'd make the time to exercise. I'm better at making excuses not to exercise than I am at making the time to do it. I am adding it to my schedule somehow next week no matter what. Biggest tip ... more water, less breads, etc. and hardly any sugars. I haven't had a cheesesteak and a beer in so long it hurts. But Jim Beam and diet Coke is fine :-)