Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Driving to the airport in Philly

For all you who have never been to the East Coast, this is what a drive from Chesapeake City, Md., to the Philadelphia International Airport looks like.... Sped up, of course.


Natalie said...

Does anyone else think that is dangerous??? Filming on I-95? Especially when it looks like you are about to crash into the horse trailer...I am glad you made it safely to pick me up.

Anonymous said...

Yes agreed very very dangerous and all the while DRIVING IN THE FAST LANE! Bad.

Is it really a security risk when you get to the terminal? Did I really watch that whole thing? Kinda neat though. Good battery on that camera.

Victoria Williams said...

OK, come on Jeffrey, you had the camera propped up, right? You weren't holding it while driving, right?
Hey, here in Boise we're 15 minutes from the largest Idaho airport!

Jeffrey said...

Doesn't my hand count as a prop? :-)

I need to design a temporary mount for my dashboard.

Anonymous said...

I have always said that you are the only son that I like to ride with BUT I think I have changed and don't like to ride with any of you. That video is scarey. Reminds me of riding with your Dad. Please use some duct tape, masking tape or something to hold that camera on your dash. Put both hands on that steering wheel. ILY

Victoria Williams said...

Have to agree with Mama here.....what would we do without your blog for entertainment???