Monday, July 23, 2007

Movie Mashup

I haven't made one of these in a while... Good luck with your guesses. There are 10 movies here in under a minute.


Lacey said...

Indiana Jones and the temple of doom, Gremlins, Showgirls, Pulp Fiction, Bambi, Weird Science, My Cousin Vinny, Karate Kid, Harry Potter and chamber of secrets...
Not sure if my sequels are right...
Ya! I love movie mashup! Fun stuff!Thanks Jeffrey!

Victoria Williams said...

Yeah, I wouldn't have gotten Showgirls. Nice job.

Kathleen said...

I got about 6 of them, but there were a few I couldn't think of the names quick enough. Nice variety Jeffrey. Those are always fun!!

Traci Lyn said...

Um...I think you got me.
Indiana Jones, Gremlins, Showgirls, Pulp Fiction, Bambi, Wierd Science, My Cousin Vinny, Karate Kid, Harry Potter (Chamber of Secrets?)....That's only 9. I can't even find the 10th let alone identify it....QOMD

Thanks for doing another one! You know I love them!!!!

Jeffrey said...

There were only nine... I was wondering how long it would take before someone mentioned it. :-)