Monday, March 5, 2007

Stop your crying, Jeffrey ...

Something is really messing up my eyes -- especially my left one -- right now. It must be some kind of allergy. I've just washed my face off so hopefully that will help clear things up pretty soon.

For now, I'm dealing with this constant tearing up and itchy redness. And now it's puffing up a bit. Hopefully it will go away soon. It's probably just too much kitty cat scratching at one time.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry if your working in the basement today messed up your eyes. I never realized how long you eye lashes were. Nice...beautiful eyes. You should have gotten some meds. from your Pops. ILY

Anonymous said...

Oooh, Look at them LASHES!

Bug-Z said...

meds are the devil!!

Anonymous said...

The right meds. are good. Some can be the devil.

Anonymous said...

OK Ol' Doe Eyes, easy on the Alpha Hydroxy Acid Tutti Fruity Anti-Wrinkle Steriod Grow Yer Lashes Longer and Stronger Extra Large Under-Eye Bags Dark Circles Cream! Overuse may cause eye irritation! But your lashes are fab-u-lous.