Dancing bees
The bees just absolutely love the flowers in the bed at the back corner of the yard. I took some pictures and video of them today at work gathering pollen. I especially like this picture with one bee on the flower and another bee in flight in the background. Click on it to see it big. I'll try to post more later. In the video at the top, I used the new Paul McCartney song because it seems to fit with the bees dancing back and forth with each other between the flowers. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Bees are beautiful. I hope you were using a zoom on your camera because I would have hated if you got stung. That doesn't feel good at all. I like the song too.
Love the video! So creative!
We love coneflowers. Are the tall white spikes some sort of liatris?
Yes that is white liatris in the back yard. We have purple behind that and then a small clump of purple in the front yard. Good eye!
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