Meltdown Monday set to make its return
I plan to start Meltdown Monday fresh this coming Monday and the above steak-stuffed pizza was my gift to my stomach Friday night. Life gets complicated sometimes -- for all of us -- and we just have to stop everything for a bit, gain a fresh focus, choose paths and attempt to move ahead. Since this is the simplest thing I can do right now, I'm making it the first step to regaining control of my life.
Although I know I've re-gained some of what I lost, the other scales (now broken) were either off or these are. Either way, these new scales are the ones I will go by starting Monday. I'll start at a fresh weight with a fresh perspective and hope to once again start progressing toward a goal of a happier, healthier me.
Thanks for re-starting this, Jeffrey. I've actually thought of posting my weight loss struggles. You have to be very brave to go there!
You are my hero...something I have been wanting and needing to do! Now I have a wedding dress to fit into...maybe I will start meltdown monday too!
Son, that steak stuffed pizza looks deeeeelicious. I hope you enjoyed every bit of it. I am behind you all the way and I've decided that I can do it too. We did the quit smoking bit, now we can do the losing bit. We will just have to help each other. BUT...I won't post my weight. I don't even weigh at my doctor. Good luck and I love you.
Steak-filled pizza!!! I thought you were kidding...until the pic appeared.
I know a guy who thought that meat-flavored ice cream would sell. I thought he was insane;now, I'm not so sure!
Can we share a banana split from the Dairy Cream before the day ends tomorrow? I will start with you on Monday...but like Mama...I won't post my weight either.
Thanks for all the support. :-)
I ate a tube of chocolate chip cookie dough this weekend in your honor. So you know, it was delicious, BUT made me super ill in every way imaginable :) Moral of the story, just think of your little arteries and intestines crying out for help and clearance every time you want to sink your teeth into something naughty. One day at a time (or even one hour).
Your Meltdown Mondays are so inspiring. Can't wait to see them again!
Looking forward to it...And remember, I'm here for you if you want to learn the cartwheel!!!!
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