Not in a smiling mood right now ...
On my other blog, I had posted about how much I disliked/feared going to the dentist's office. I broke down and went today after a mammoth-sized hole was exposed in a tooth. Apparently part of the filling broke away exposing the decayed part of the tooth and it got worse. You can see the big hole in the second tooth from the right in the x-ray. It's right on top of a nerve and they were wondering how I could be living with the pain. Basically I weighed the pain against the humiliation/fear factor of going to the dentist and decided I could live with the pain. That was until today.
So now I have another appointment to get the tooth you see in the x-ray removed along with the two wisdom teeth on that side of my mouth. The other two wisdom teeth were removed about five years ago.
The dentist and the technician were both really nice and not once made me feel humiliated or ashamed about letting something get that bad. So after I get these teeth removed I will start going to this dentist and let him get me back into decent dental shape. I need to get over this fear of dentists thing.
Good job.
Just keep going back. You won't ever regret it.
I am very proud of you for going today. I know it wasn't easy...but you did it. I love you.
Sounds like you found a wonderful dentist. I hope it all goes nice and easy for you. =)
Oh Jeffrey! I'm there with you! I hate the dentist! I would rather give birth than go to the dentist....And, in the last three weeks I've cracked TWO of my teeth. I have another appointment today for what I believe is another cracked tooth. UGH!!!!!
And, I've ALWAYS had perfect teeth. I've had like ONE real cavity in my whole life. Now, I may need Root Canals--Do you see the "S" there at the end!?!? Like MORE THAN ONE! Can they knock you out for that? I'm so scared! And, hello, I've had TWO children with out ANY DRUGS!
To make matters worse, because I've always had perfect teeth, I do not have dental insurance. I need to find an endodonist (is that how you spell that? I'm so scared, I can't even spell!) who is willing to commit insurance fraud. I can get coverage thru Jeff but it won't kick in until April 1st.
I'm thru ranting. Just know I feel your pain! Good luck! TLC
Owie! May I suggest a althy helping of Valium? Thats how my sister is able to get to the dentist...she is a huge dentophobe.
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