Sunday, February 18, 2007

A pin for everyone ...

So a special person sent me an e-mail with these pins attached to it. She said I could share with my friends -- and I consider you my friends -- but she said I could NOT tell anyone who sent them to me. I will abide by that request. There are some good ones in here. Let me know in the comments which one fits you or yours best. As always, you can click on each picture to enlarge it for easier reading. It will open in a new window.

ZOE ... Your pin is in the second set, bottom row, third from the left. If the rest of you want to understand why, click on Zoe's name to read an entry from her blog, Royal Mom.


Kathleen said...

Those are awesome. I can't say that any one pin is the best for me, but they are all good. Just depends on my mood at the time, I guess.

Jeffrey said...

I feel like my pin lately is "Please take a number and stick it up your ass"

Anonymous said...

"I'm smiling. That alone should scare you," is my kind of pin.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaahhh, clowns! These are kinda depressing, aren't they?

Jeffrey said...

Yeah... I need to try to find some happy ones to counteract these...

Lacey said...

I'm leaning toward "You say I"m a Bitch Like it's a Bad Thing"

Kathleen said...

I used to have a pin that said "If it weren't for all these fucking customers, this job would be great!"
Somedays i think that about my patients. Is that bad?