A cat and her claws clear the way
At first, Toby was up by me on the ottoman with his head across my legs. He was loving life. Then in walked Parker. Parker jumped up on my lap, eventually working her way toward the ottoman and forcing Toby down and into his bed. She's a tough cat -- with sharp claws -- and she knows how to throw her weight around.
Damn! I thought our cat was a behemoth! Your cat could eat my cat.
I hate cats
I hate cats just because. And I hate my stupid fingers for accidentally hitting the "enter" key causing me to post as “anonymous” in the previous post.
I LOVE kitty kats! That is a really cute kitty!
Jealous little things . . .
I wrote a comment earlier but posted it under the one about feeding the birds. You have to realize I'm getting old. I still think Toby should have stayed in your lap. ILY
I heart Toby. He's the cutest.
Toby is the cutest...but Parker can kick his butt. Parker is a big girl and very loveable.
The Tobester! Tobalicious! Toba-loba-lovie-wuvie!
Try saying that to Parker or Maybelline. They'll just look atcha funny.
But Toby...Toby gets it! TEAM TOBY!
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